Reference Data Manager

Our Reference Data Manager platform is a solution that builds upon the open source registry software that we developed. The platform and software is trusted and used internationally by organisations needing to manage their reference data. It provides a range of reference management tools and services such as controlled, authoritative lists of identifiers as URIs. This supports good data governance, data standards, data collaboration and data use.

Our Reference Data Manager platform

It provides a service to create and manage controlled, authoritative lists of identifiers as URIs. The identifiers in these lists may be external to the registry (maintained by a third party) or may be managed within the controlled namespace. For managed identifiers the Reference Data Manager stores core data so that the identifiers resolve. It provides for the management and maintenance of that data. Different groups can be enabled to publish identifiers within a shared namespace.

The platform is a solution that supports your organisation in managing such reference data, particularly things like code lists or managed sets of identifiers.

A key enabler for shareable, reusable open data is accessible reference data. By reference data we mean the standardised terms used to identify “things” in the data. These things could be codes, spatial objects, namespaces, units of measure, substances, methodologies, organizations and general vocabulary elements. Most datasets make use of such identifiers and to safely interpret the data we need to know what they mean. To enable data sets to be combined or compared we need to reuse, or at least map between, these reference identifiers.

For UK Public Sector clients, we have been awarded a place on the GCloud 8 Digital Marketplace agreement for the supply of a Core Reference Data Management Platform.

How can linked data help?

New insights

Linking data improves the usefulness and value of information, leading to new insights

Multiple representations

Information can be modelled to capture detailed relationships in data and shared in multiple ways

Greater transparency

Each bit of data is individually addressed – meaning it can be annotated and explained in context

Up to date

Linking data means that the current data is always used, enabling you to make up to date, informed decisions