We’ve made a number of improvements to agile:NPDtech over the past few months.
Here are the headlines:

AI suggestions for product uses
Our new AI feature will suggest uses for your products, which you may wish to pass on to your customers. For example, if you produce a seasoning blend, AI will provide a few examples of how it could be applied.
Please let us know if you would like to try out this feature.
We are working on other AI enhancements, so watch this space….

agile:NPDtech is now able to auto-calculate the suitability settings (vegan, vegetarian, kosher, halal etc.) for your products, based on the suitability data that you have set for all the ingredients in your recipes.
Please ask us for further info on how to use this feature

Nutrition – Energy calculations
The Energy levels – kJ and kCal – will be calculated automatically from the protein, carbohydrate, fats and alcohol figures for the product or ingredient in view.
These are for display/guidance only and (in the case of your made products) do not replace any calculated figures (from the kJ and kCal of the ingredients in your recipe).

Critical Path
If you use the Milestones add-on module, you may like to know that you can now flag milestones as being on the Critical Path.
We have added views which show only those milestones flagged as on the Critical Path, so that you can focus on overall progress at Brief or individual Recipe level.

Adding Ingredients to Recipes
Adding an ingredient has been made easier. You can now search on part code + part name.
e.g. ABC 123 will filter down to ABCD 1234, ABCH 1237, ABCZ 1239, etc.

Portion Ingredient Costs
We’ve made it easier to export the breakdown of ingredient £ costs per product portion to spreadsheet, by adding a new data view specifically for that purpose.
Please contact us, if you’d like any guidance on this feature.

Multiple Brands
We now support having multiple brands and printing different brand logos in your specification documents.
For example, The Vegan Food Group have 3 brands under their umbrella and use agile:NPDtech for all three. They assign a brand to each product and the specification PDF then shows the appropriate logo.
Please ask us for more information, if you could would like to discuss using this feature.

Photos in Specifications
You can now display the main photo – as uploaded against the product record – in your Specification PDF.
This option is one of the tick boxes for choosing what to include in your specification output.
Thanks to those clients who contributed suggestions for improvements, such as those mentioned above. These include Kraft Heinz, Baxters, Pukka Pies, Jardox, The Vegan Food Group and Pieminister.